UTS History

History of Unit Trust Schemes and Private Retirement Schemes in Malaysia

The first two decades in the history of the UT industry were characterised by slow growth in the sales of units and a lack of public awareness of the new investment product. The industry was also regulated by several parties including BNM, the ROC and the Public Trustee.


During this period, an Informal Committee for Unit Trust Funds was set up to regulate the UT industry. The Committee was made up of representatives from BNM, the CIC, the Public Trustee of Malaysia and the ROC.


This period witnessed the fastest growth of the UT industry in terms of the number of new UTMC established and growth in funds under management. The introduction by the SC of its Guidelines on UnitTrust Funds and the enactment of the Securities Commission Act, 1993 brought about even greaterawareness of the unit trust industry and contributed towards its tremendous growth prior to the 1997 Asianfinancial crisis. Following the crisis, the steady growth in funds under management continued.


Total funds under management grew more than threefold from RM15.72 billion at the end of 1992 to RM59.95 billion at the end of 1996. The period also saw greater product innovation and deregulation of the industry.

The first UTS to be offered with free term life insurance protection for unitholders on a blanket policy basis was introduced. Previously, life insurance cover was offered with the UTS on a partially subsidised basis, or the insurance cover was to provide unitholders who invested under loan plans with insurance to protect the interests of the lenders.

The revised Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds allowed UTMC to invest up to 10% of the NAV of UTS in foreign securities (subject to other approvals).

The first fixed income or bond fund in Malaysia was launched.

The SC issued Guidelines on the operations of property UTS, Guidelines allowing UTMC to delegate functions and appoint external fund managers, and Guidelines on loan financing of sales of units in UTS.

FIMM Secretariat was set up, led by a full-time Executive Director.

The Malaysian Unit Trust Administration Course began. This course provides an introduction to the way a UTMC operates and was jointly developed by the FIMM and the Securities Industry Education, Australia. The latter conducted the training.


The UT industry moved towards a new era when PNB launched the RM3 billion Wawasan 2020 Fund, which was opened to all Malaysians (including non-Bumiputras) between the ages of 12 and 40. Like the ASB and the ASN earlier, the Wawasan 2020 Fund would remain at RM1.00 until further notice from PNB.


The Malaysian Unit Trust Funds Performance Table prepared by Micropal Asia Ltd (now known as Standard & Poor’s) was introduced. The purpose of this table was to provide investors with a means to monitor and evaluate the performance of the various UTS.

The New Millenium

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